Ahogy írtam, sokat varrok mostanában, de inkább kérésre, konkrét elképzelésekkel , így ami nem áll közel hozzám azokat nem is mutatom. Ma viszont, mivel ilyen jó az idő kimostam az első patchwork munkámat, amit még 1998-ban varrtam (de rég is volt). Akkor minden ismeret nélkül teljesen saját elképzeléssel álltam neki, egyesével, ollóval vagdosva a kis négyzeteket, és mindegyiket külön eltisztáztam cikkcakk öltéssel. Ezek miatt varrni sem lehetett olyan pontosan, így hát a négyzetek nem éppen passzolnak egymáshoz. Letűzve sincs, csak bélelve és hátlapozva. Az anyagok, amiket felhasználtam viszont nagyon kedvesek számomra, mert sokból még Nagymamám varrt nekem vagy magának ruhát, ő viszont ennek a takarónak az elkészültét, de még az elkezdését sem érhette meg sajnos. Az általa is használt régi varrógépen készítettem, ami azóta is megvan, szeretem, de nem használjuk, illetve nyáron ritkán, mert a családi nyaralóban lakik. És nem csak ezek miatt olyan emlékezetes ez a takaró, hanem azért is, mert a férjemnek varrtam, aki akkor még nem volt a férjem és azért is lett ilyen hatalmas, mert neki minden "gyári" takaró kicsi. Azóta használtuk már az első gyerkőcnél leterítve a földön, aztán ahogy jöttek a többiek is sorban, mindig volt valami funkciója. Mostanra a gyerekszobába költözött és egy kis heverőn van a helye. Úgyhogy amilyen sokszínű a takaró, a sorsa is olyan sokszínű volt, és bár sok sebből vérzik, azt hiszem nekem mégis ez marad a legkedvesebb darab.
As I have already mentioned I sew quite a lot nowadays, but mainly ordered things that are not so typical me. That is why I do not show all of them here. Today the weather was so nice that I washed big things, among them this big patchwork rug which is however very dear me. It was made in 1998 without knowing anything about making patchwork. I cut the squares one by one with scissors and zigzagged the edges. So it was nearly impossible to suit them precisely. It is also without quilting, and has only a back fabric and batting between the two layers. But the fabrics I used were from my Grandmother's stash, who had made from them dresses for me and for herself. Unfortunately she passed away before I started this rug. It was also sewed on her very old machine and was made for my husband who was not my husband at that time. And after getting married we used it quite a lot, and as the children arrived one after the other it had many functions. Now it has a constant place in the children's room on a small bed. And this rug is my favourite in spite the fact that it is not so precise work and you can find many mistakes on, because it keeps many many memories from my and our past and that makes it so precious.
As I have already mentioned I sew quite a lot nowadays, but mainly ordered things that are not so typical me. That is why I do not show all of them here. Today the weather was so nice that I washed big things, among them this big patchwork rug which is however very dear me. It was made in 1998 without knowing anything about making patchwork. I cut the squares one by one with scissors and zigzagged the edges. So it was nearly impossible to suit them precisely. It is also without quilting, and has only a back fabric and batting between the two layers. But the fabrics I used were from my Grandmother's stash, who had made from them dresses for me and for herself. Unfortunately she passed away before I started this rug. It was also sewed on her very old machine and was made for my husband who was not my husband at that time. And after getting married we used it quite a lot, and as the children arrived one after the other it had many functions. Now it has a constant place in the children's room on a small bed. And this rug is my favourite in spite the fact that it is not so precise work and you can find many mistakes on, because it keeps many many memories from my and our past and that makes it so precious.